Monday, January 24, 2011

A little bad and lot of good

Today was a good day for the most part. I am struggling to know how to care for Reece. He is in between needing a daily nap and totally doing without. If he naps he will not sleep well at night and if he does not nap--he is bad news from 5 to 7pm and sleeps till 8 or so in the morning. I asked several folks to pray for creative ways to teach Reece. I feel like the daily grind is getting to him--like the walls are caving in on both of us. So today after the bad first hour of the day, I found myself praying for the Lord to lead the way today. I resolved not to raise my voice--beacuse I think that only makes Reece fight back more and it is unsetteling. I would be sad if my mom yelled at me too. We made our first trip to the new libary in town. We had a fun time and came home with some exciting books. During nap time I told Reece he and I would read a few books and then he could read on my bed while I rested my eyes for a few mins. Reece loved the quality time and had a much better afternoon. He told me when the alarm went off that he read me to sleep--melt my heart! After rest time Reece told me he wished papa could be home to read books with him. I suggested we take a few pictures and put them on the blog. Reece loved snapping the pictures--and he really had a helpful spirit the rest of the day. I am so thankful that God has the power to answer my prayers in real ways--not for my glory, that it would be an easy day--but for His glory--that he would be exaulted.

Check Spelling
This might be Reece's fav book! Of course--he wants to be just like his papa. He read it to Mariemma at the dinner table. I let him watch a few youtube video's of aav trucks and other Marine tanks--he was gluded. We sure do miss our devil dog around this house!

Here is the happer camper--he loves it when you take his picture.

This book was a suggestion from a dear friend--and we love it too. All these animals curl up in a lost mitten. Reece just loved it--he is working on a mitten craft. More to come on that one.
When I was in the midst of the challenging morning I was reminded I cannot change my child--the Lord can. He gives wisdom and He changes lives--Reece's life. I want to see how my faith in the Lord can change me--and my household. If ture fellowship with the Lord grows us in faith those around us will see it and be changed as well. Parenthood is as much for me as it is for my children.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

hey deanna! didn't know about your blog until now! i'm looking forward to reading as i have a chance! how long is adam gone? also - we're having similar problems with bella as far as naps go. we've just had to drop it for good because lucy doesn't need them and it's too hard to try to get them doing different things since they share a room/bedtimes, etc. we let them read books in bed and also listen to stories on cd. we got some focus on the family character building ones for christmas (though they are meant for a little bit older), and we also have the jesus storybook bible on cd (which is awesome! we listen to it in the car also). i'm hoping to check more out at the library but haven't yet. we also have a leapster that they take turns each day getting to play during rest time while the other reads/listens to the story. anyway, just wanted to share these ideas that were shared with me and have helped us! love to you! thanks for your sacrifice of giving your husband for our country! -frances lightcap