Wednesday, September 17, 2008

party time!

Reece has a very busy social calender as of late. He had two birthday parties on back to back weekends. This was a picture from a party at the park. Reece knows now that party means cake and ice cream.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good-bye Nana

I am always sad to see my parents go. And it seems to get harder as my child gets older. I think it is because he--Reece can play with them so much more now than even a few months ago. We of course worked on things around the house--which we do every time my parents come to town. But this time we did celebrate my birthday--with a dinner out and two great cakes!

Saturday evening we--grandpa and I--worked on the video recorder in the hopes of being able to post them to the blog so I am going to try and see what happens. I was reminded of just how much Reece has grown in such a short time! He is really not a baby any more but I like to say he is.

We really did not take many pictures this visit. There were tons from last weekend so I think everyone was tired of the camera!