Monday, January 31, 2011

My Baby is 4!

Today Reece turned four. I think this is the first birthday I have not cried--my baby is growing up and I love this age most of the time! I was looking back at pictures from the day Reece came home from the hospital. He still makes this same face when he sleeps! We had a wonderful day. We started the morning with a skype call from Adam. I cant tell you how wonderful it was to see his face. We spent the rest of our morning at the new libary--Reece now has a list of types of books he wants to check out. Just a side note--I am so thankful for how the Lord provided creativity and wisdom at just the right time in dealing with Reece not napping while ME did nap. Praise the Lord!

Gram, Grandad, and GG arrive for lunch--we headed to Reece's fav spot--the golf course! It took Reece a little while to warm up on the putting green but he sure was cranking them out on the driving range. I think Reece really loved showing his Grandad and GG his "skills"!

After lunch and a cool rootbeer, GG took Reece to the toy store to pick out a toy. We left with two new Thomas trains--stick with what works I guess. The birthday boy crashed on the way home.

We ended the day with a birthday dinner of mac and cheese and a birthday bath--Reece loves the tub but I have changed up bath time to just every other night--it is just to much on my own. When I tucked Reece in tonight he told me all the things he loved about turning 4: he feels so much bigger and stronger now that he is 4, soon he will be too big to carry (I found this so funny b/c he loves to be carried--like the baby), and soon he will be able to read.

Reece loved all the birthday phone calls and well wishes--he felt so loved and special. Thank you to everyone who showered our sweet boy on his birthday.

January 31, 2007--Welcome to the world baby boy

A Furman football cupcake! And of course I had to fit 4 candles on there.

Reece and GG

Reece got two swords--he and Grandad were breaking them in!

Reece asked several weeks ago for his very own umbrella--well he got it and it went every where today just in case it started to rain!

Reece was in the groove at the driving range.

Before Adam left he bought this football for Reece--he loved it of course!

Sunday night Reece helped me decorate the cupcakes--well he really just licked all the icing!

Reece is having a Furman football party on Saturday. Reece asked for football tattoos like at the Furman games--this was what we found.

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth!

Last night Reece and I went to the circus with some dear friends. The kids were so excited--and what kid would not be with all the noise, lights, and of course venders at very turn. We took Reece to the circus when he turned 2--thankfully this was a totally different experience. Reece knew the clowns were funny--last time he was scard of them. And he really enjoyed the all the acts. Of course the best parts were the elephants and tigers. Reece was in awe--here are a few pics from the night.

Caedmon decided to try out these funny yo-yos during the pre-show. Reece would have nothing to do with this lady!
The prize! I told Reece he could have one toy if he was well behaved--this is it a really large elephant for $15. I was thankful it was one of the cheaper toys!

The boys had a front row seat to see this elephant in action before the show. He actually painted a picture holding a paint brush in his trunk.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Happy, One Sick

I cant believe she is getting tooth number 13! She looks sweet even when she is sick!

It is the start of the birthday celebrations! More on that in the coming few days.

We officially have our first sick day on the books. I am so thankful Mariemma has been so healthy--this is only the second time she has had a fever. When she is on the Motrin she seems fine--and I am glad for that. Reece had a great day at MDO. He took cookies to his class to celebrate his birthday and came home with a birthday boy hat. Enjoy the pics!

Monday, January 24, 2011

A little bad and lot of good

Today was a good day for the most part. I am struggling to know how to care for Reece. He is in between needing a daily nap and totally doing without. If he naps he will not sleep well at night and if he does not nap--he is bad news from 5 to 7pm and sleeps till 8 or so in the morning. I asked several folks to pray for creative ways to teach Reece. I feel like the daily grind is getting to him--like the walls are caving in on both of us. So today after the bad first hour of the day, I found myself praying for the Lord to lead the way today. I resolved not to raise my voice--beacuse I think that only makes Reece fight back more and it is unsetteling. I would be sad if my mom yelled at me too. We made our first trip to the new libary in town. We had a fun time and came home with some exciting books. During nap time I told Reece he and I would read a few books and then he could read on my bed while I rested my eyes for a few mins. Reece loved the quality time and had a much better afternoon. He told me when the alarm went off that he read me to sleep--melt my heart! After rest time Reece told me he wished papa could be home to read books with him. I suggested we take a few pictures and put them on the blog. Reece loved snapping the pictures--and he really had a helpful spirit the rest of the day. I am so thankful that God has the power to answer my prayers in real ways--not for my glory, that it would be an easy day--but for His glory--that he would be exaulted.

Check Spelling
This might be Reece's fav book! Of course--he wants to be just like his papa. He read it to Mariemma at the dinner table. I let him watch a few youtube video's of aav trucks and other Marine tanks--he was gluded. We sure do miss our devil dog around this house!

Here is the happer camper--he loves it when you take his picture.

This book was a suggestion from a dear friend--and we love it too. All these animals curl up in a lost mitten. Reece just loved it--he is working on a mitten craft. More to come on that one.
When I was in the midst of the challenging morning I was reminded I cannot change my child--the Lord can. He gives wisdom and He changes lives--Reece's life. I want to see how my faith in the Lord can change me--and my household. If ture fellowship with the Lord grows us in faith those around us will see it and be changed as well. Parenthood is as much for me as it is for my children.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sad to see Nana leave!

We had a wonderful time with Nana and Carol. The kids had a great time, I enjoyed the fellowship, and the sewing closet is now clean! I think both Nana and Aunt Carol were amused at our daily activities. The best was for sure nail clipping! Here are a few pictures from the last few days.

FUN in a box

Reece loves all his stuffed animals

Say Cheese

Mariemma could sit and read for hours--thankfully Nana can too!

Bath time is always a highlight

This was at Wal-Mart. Mariemma crawled into the shelf to get nerf football. Her face is just too cute. She was so proud of herself for throwing the ball. And this was nail clipping! She has a scarf around her neck--I was not trying to tie her down--I promise. What a face!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Nana is here!

Nana and Aunt Carol are here. I was so excited to see their car pull up! Aunt Carol will not be able to come to Reece's football party in a few weeks so we celebrated early. Here are few pics from our celebration. And yes Reece did have two of those cupcakes after dinner!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The first few days

For any one who has experienced pending seperation you know the worst part is the anticipation leading up to the departure. The first few days have been emotional and good. I had hoped to keep things as normal as possible and stay busy but the Lord had other plans--an ice storm. We have been on lock down since Sunday night! So much for staying busy.

The Lord has been so faithful to provide all that I need. On Sunday morning Adam and I wanted to spend time together praying before he left. The hour between 6-7am is always subject to change at our house. I just never know when the kids will wake up. So we started to pray and not 10 mins or so later Reece and Mariemma were awake. Reece calls down to us and says he will play with ME for a little while. I did not know what that ment but I just kept praying. When I walked up stairs Reece and Mariemma were playing in her crib together. I know the Lord provided that time because that has never happend before and I dont think it will ever happen again!

I do pray that I will not miss what the Lord has for me during this season. I want to see His faithfulness and how He provides for his children. I am asking the Lord for patience beyond my ability. I struggle to remain patient with Reece. I want him to remember his mother for the godly traits I taught him--not for the ways I lost it with him when we were both tired and missing dad.

Here are a few pics from our friends house during the ice. The kids thought it was snow but really it was just lots of ice.